Linux Autumn is an annual Polish conference dedicated to the free software and GNU/Linux. This year it was its 15th edition and this time it was held in Muflon Leisure Center in Ustroń.
Shortly speaking: the conference was interesting but my participation was limited due to a virus¹ attack.
Day #1: September 22
Not much has been planned for that day because the attendees were only arriving. The event started at 4 PM and the first speaker was Igor Gnatenko from Red Hat. He talked about the dependencies between the packages, especially about the new kinds of dependencies added in RPM 4.14. I was a little late to this talk but thanks to YouTube I know how it was like and I must admit that it was interesting. I like the idea of a talk which focuses on a small subject which do not requires advanced skills to understand it and at the same time provides important information to the attendees. It’s very worth to be mentioned here as it was the only talk in English:
The second speaker was myself. I talked about preparing an application for internationalization and avoiding typical errors. How it was – you should judge on your own. Unfortunately, this talk and all others were in Polish and English translations do not exist so I don’t provide links here.
In the evening there was a dinner and long conversation about professional and non-professional subjects.
Day #2: September 23
In the morning I woke up with a sore throat and I knew that the conference is actually over for me. Luckily, I had given my talk the previous day when I still had felt good. Despite this I pulled myself together and attended all talks. I’d like to mention two most interesting ones in my opinion. The first was Maciej Nabożny‘s talk about his libdinemic project. In his talk he included many subjects like cryptography, certificates, but first of all Maciej comprehensibly explained how blockchain works and how it powers bitcoin. The second talk was by Dariusz Puchalak about OpenSSH, Ansible and other network tools. Usually I’m less interested in administrative stuff than programming but Dariusz’ talk was really zestful and impressed me. I recommend his talks to everyone, he is a really great speaker.
Day #3: September 24
So this was really the end for me. In the night I had a fever, shortly after the breakfast I packed my things, said goodbye and went back home. I wish I could recommend you watching the videos on YouTube, unfortunately they are mostly in Polish. Please come next year, the more foreign speakers and attendees we have the more likely we switch to English.
PS. Regarding the virus, as it usually happens, the next day I felt much better and two days later I was quite good.
¹ Virus: a biological structure similar to but unrelated with computer viruses. They attack the cells of living organisms and are totally safe for computers.
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